Thirty years of piano sales and service
Thirty years ago, the piano business
in Saskatchewan looked a lot
different. So did Roger Jolly,
founder and co-owner of Yamaha Piano
Centre. “Well,” he jokes, “I was a little
younger, a little more handsome, and still
had dark hair.”
While his sense of humour is intact, Jolly
admits that the early years were not fun
and games. He and wife Marie did every
job themselves, including tuning and delivering
each instrument. “That's the way
it was, you know. In small business, with
a young family to support, you work incredibly
long hours to make ends meet.”
Three decades later, the result of that
hard work is that Roger and Marie own
and operate two thriving Yamaha Piano
Centres, in Regina and Saskatoon, and
own more than 80 percent of the market
share in the province. “When we first
opened in 1980 there were nine piano
and organ stores in Saskatoon. Today, we
have only one competitor in Saskatoon and one in Regina.”
Jolly recognizes that much of their success
is due to selling top-quality product
lines. The stores carry the world's finest
manufacturers, including Bechstein,
Knabe, Yamaha, Kohler & Campbell
and the Pramberger Signature Series, as
well as quality used pianos and keyboards.
He gives even more credit to Yamaha
Piano Centre's above-the-line personal
service, which hasn't changed much in
30 years. In fact, they still handwrite
every bill of sale. “Are we computerized?
You bet your bottom dollar we are.
When the customer leaves, we enter it
into the computer, but when dealing
with the person, we give personalized attention.”
A once-in-a-lifetime purchase
Clients usually fall into one of three
groups: the parents of a young child just learning to play, the parents of an older
child that shows great promise, or a
member of the 60-plus crowd who finally
has the spare time and disposable
income to take up a lifelong dream.
First-time customers generally understand
very little about the mechanics of
the piano, and sometimes arrive with
misinformation, usually drawn from the
Internet. “It is incumbent on us to explain
the pluses, minuses and cost benefits
in a logical manner that makes sense
to the consumer. That's our driving philosophy:
to give clients information so
they can make an intelligent decision for
Jolly disregards slick sales courses in favour of asking the right questions. He
compares the role of the Yamaha Piano
Centre salesperson to that of an interviewer.
“You can't fulfill the client's need
until you've got the complete picture. |
"We only deliver what
we would accept in
our own homes." |
wouldn't stand for one of my sales staff
trying to push something that was not in
the consumer's best interest.”
Jolly says there is a synergy that happens
when Yamaha Piano Centre helps a customer
find the right fit. “With our approach,”
says Jolly, “it's amazing how we
build a lot of trust and friendship with
our clients.”
The hot trend
A growing segment of piano shoppers
are upper-income-level clients who are
purchasing a grand piano mainly for the
aesthetic. “They love the look of it,” enthuses
Jolly, “and they love the sound.”
Right at the top of these clients' wish
lists is the Yamaha Disklavier™, an
acoustic grand piano that is also a player
piano. At the press of a button, the
Disklavier™ is able to recreate recorded
music, complete with the movement of
the keys and foot pedals. Think of an old
saloon piano in a western film, keys playing
jauntily as though pressed by invisible
fingers; the Yamaha Disklavier™ is the
same concept, but light-years ahead.
“The piano disc has been around for
years,” explains Jolly, “but it was a very
expensive, crude tool in comparison to
the Disklaver™. Electronic developments
have made the technology more
affordable and mechanics have made it
more reliable.”
Jolly inserts a special CD, presses a button,
and the sound of a Garth Brooks
tune fills the air, complete with vocals
and accompanying instruments. Small
mechanical plungers play back the piece
with remarkable accuracy. Any motion
the pianist made with his or her feet or
fingers—loud or soft, fast or slow—the
Disklavier™ will duplicate. So, you hear
exactly what the artist played, and see exactly
how he or she touched the keys.
“Many of the artists have recorded for
these piano companies because they're
recognizing that this is the way of the future,”
he says.
The Disklavier™ makes playing fun and interactive, even for beginners, who are
able to record and edit their own music
by adding the sounds of synthesized instruments,
live vocals and even live instruments.
When plugged into the
Internet, the piano opens up a new
world of music sharing. “With upstreaming,”
explains Jolly. “A music student
could take an exam on this
Disklavier™, and the professor could
mark the exam at Dalhousie University.”
Or, if you prefer, simply sit and pretend
you're playing along with Stevie Wonder,
Billy Joel or the Beatles. There are thousands
of easy-to-download songs, including
classical music and pop hits by
nearly every artist imaginable.
The Yamaha Disklavier™ is a true luxury
item. There is even an Elton John
Signature Series Disklavier™ in the same crimson shade as the one played in the
artist’s Red Piano show at Caesar's Palace
in Las Vegas. It's signed by the artist, and
Yamaha guarantees that no more than 50
will ever be produced and sold. It is the
ultimate collectible for fans of the
Rocket Man.
Staying in tune
Pianos are complicated instruments, with
complex mechanical components. The
more one is played, the sooner it will requireattendance. Regular maintenance is
the key to keeping a piano operating at
its fullest. Tuning should ideally be done
twice a year following major temperature
changes, such as in spring and fall, when
the furnace goes in and out of use.
Whether it is an heirloom piece or a
high-end Disklavier™ grand, the piano should always be serviced by a certified
piano technician. Yamaha Piano Centres
offer this service across the province.
Regina technician Derek Gibson has
been extensively trained by Roger Jolly in
concert level tuning, voicing and regulating.
He is the technician for the Regina
Symphony Orchestra, and works on pianos
for the Conexus Arts Centre,
Mackenzie Art Gallery and the Regina
Jazz Society, as well as major events, such
as the Regina Music Festival and the
Royal Conservatory of Music Examinations.
He also services the pianos of
many top-level teachers and performers.
30th Anniversary sale!
It was May, 1980, when Roger and Marie
Jolly opened the first Yamaha Piano Centre
in Saskatchewan. Thirty years later,
the Jollys can hardly be accused of slowing
down. Roger has, among many other
prestigious accomplishments, been
named technical design consultant for
the world's largest piano manufacturer,
Samick Music Corporation. An internationally
recognized piano technician and
clinician, he travels the world, teaching
and lecturing.
Marie is an accomplished vocalist, musical
director, piano performer and
teacher. She travels with Roger when she
can, gives piano lessons to pupils ages
two to 90-plus, and offers first-rate attention
to each client who walks in the
Yamaha Piano Centre’s 30th anniversary
is being celebrated province-wide with a
big sale, with the lowest prices of the
year on grands, uprights and keyboards.
To experience the top-rate service espoused
by Roger Jolly, drop in for a visit.
He promises Yamaha Piano Centre will
not disappoint. “The folks at this business
are real people with real solutions
working for real people with real needs.”
